Thursday, September 3, 2015

HeinOnline News

This past year, HeinOnline has updated and added new features to their database. Early this year they introduced the ABA Law Library Collection Periodicals. Without getting too wordy about how awesome this is, it makes accessible both archives and new issues (keeping you current), exclusively through HeinOnline. Additionally, they've included 44 new titles that have never been open to non-members of specific American Bar Association sections. The cherry on top - they are full color PDFs. While this may not seem exciting initially, think about all those charts and graphs and infographics when not in color. It's pretty hard to glean anything from them when its just shades of grey. And it's not just my opinion, science says so too.

Only thing saving this graphic: itsocute!
Illus. by Frank Sommers
HeinOnline has also had an interface-lift (bad, "dad joke"). To help you get adjusted, they have provided a "Getting Started in HeinOnline Quick Reference Guide." Its cleaner, mobile friendly, has updated search options, and is easier to navigate.

Give it a whirl and see how you like it. Until next time, Happy Researching!

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